Dungeon Siege 2 Savegame Editor
Hey all, Have been playing DS2 with a friend of mine over my network for sometime now. The other day I decided to jump online and have a quick ten minutes with the rest of the world.
Oct 12, 2005 HOME / PC CHEATS & TRAINERS / DUNGEON SIEGE 2 / MESSAGE BOARD / CAN'T USE THE SAVEGAME EDITOR. Dungeon Siege 2 Discussion Trainer Tools and Resources. Option Requests not available. I'm trying to use the savegame editor but when I select the savegame directory I get the message 'This is not a valid Directory. Couldn't find member_0.ds2'. Mods, Utilities, Tweaks and Downloads for the Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World game.
![Savegame Savegame](http://ds.heavengames.com/ds2/group.jpg)
I joined a game which appeared normal enough but the moment I attacked an enemy it advanced me from level 31 to level 100 in melee skill. It must have been an edited game or hacked or something, but gave no warning. I now can't play with my friend because we are now in such different leagues in terms of levels it ruins things. Is there anyway to 'roll back' my melee level by editing the profile. I've tried the ds2 tool kit but it only has a tank viewer not an editor and it all looks very confusing to me!
Can anyone help? Author Replies. I checked that but i'd already saved, exited, gone back in to check if it was just the game I was in that the stats applied to or if it was all of them, then it must have saved a second time when I left that game. I wish i'd thought to check the backup the moment it happened but I didn't know that there was one. Sounds like im outta luck. Dont suppose anybody knows of somewhere you can download characters from. I'd be willing to pay for the right DS2 character, it would save so much messing about!!!
Maybe there's an idea for a business venture. Ebay anyone?:-) Thanks for your reply, if anyone else has any ideas i'd love to hear them. I am sure that a character with 100 mele skill would sell for a decent price on ebay.! But apart from that i am not sure how you would go about fixing it?
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I do a fair bit of programming so if the stuff is in binary i shouldnt have any diffuculty figuring that out but obviously i dont know what you are looking at or what you really want to do but if you are stuck on the binary or hexadecimal code i will have a look for you and see what i can do if that isnt the problem i am sorry but i have no idea! Anyone willing to pay real $'s for DS2 characters doesn't know much about the game's architecture. With Mods, anyone can have a level 100 char in seconds. The slow part is quest advancement, and then there's the save game CRC of patch v2.2 (not mod friendly). As for a save game editor, I'm not recommending using it, but I remember seeing something uploaded into the forums at SiegeNetwork a few months ago. IIRC, it was not a 100% functioning editor, but if you're desperate (and are willing to risk running a program from an unknown source) you can always take a look.