Digging Deeper With The Dfx Pdf


Been hunting for about a month now - not a lot a hours but I've had some great, older locations (skunked for silver ). I think I've got the basics down pretty well and after reading several posts, purchased the Jeff Foster 'Digging Deeper with the DFX'. Its a great book - really opened my eyes to some of the great features the DFX has. Well the first thing I wanted to try was get some more depth, so I followed the instructions from Chapter 6 where is says to increase PAG and AC.

I think I've got the basics down pretty well and after reading several posts, purchased the Jeff Foster 'Digging Deeper with the DFX'. Its a great book - really opened my eyes to some of the great features the DFX has. But if you make an effort to dig deeper into the free CAD software, you will be. Igs, iges, sldprt, STL, 3dm, dae, dfx, dwg, dwt, pdf, x_t, x_b, xxm_txt, ssm_bin.

Digging Deeper With The Dfx Pdf

Needless to say I could not get the thing stable. Started with a PAG of 4 - very choppy, dropped it 3 - still somewhat choppy, but I went ahead and raised the AC by 4 (68) and adjusted down a little as needed. I tried this in two locations - no powerlines around.

Both cases I ended up going back to the factory settings. Any thoughts on this procedure to make it stable? Do I also need to make other adjustments like sweep speed to help? Does the 12' coil make it more sensitive? Thanks in advance! AC Sensitivity is your depth booster, PAG is more a volume control for faint signals.

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While increasing the volume of the receive signal(PAG) can make deep signals easier to hear, it doesn't really increase depth ability like the AC Sensitivity. Kuttiktau tugan kunge tilek. The real key to those old coins is getting your coil over them. The DFX will do a great job as long as you get your coil over them. Most detectors on the market will find 90% of those old coins as long as you get your coil over them, its that other 10% not all detectors can find.

If you're wanting to push your detectors depth to its limits, you will need to run it hot. That means you need to run it right on the edge of instability. With experience you learn to tell the good deep signals among the noise when running your detector hot. Not all detectors can be adjusted to walk this line between stability and craziness, and some do it better than others.

Originally Posted by Eraserhead Jack - thank you very much for this. I also like the example with the nail at the bottom. I experienced that first hand at one old site. The house was originally built late 1700's, burned down and rebuilt in early 1800's. Lots of trash!

I kept digging nails because they gave me a good signal! Your Welcome. As I stated in the above PDF document if your digging to many nails adjust your VDI Sensitivity down a little and turn down your A.C. You may still get a good tone off of a nail tip, but if you turn 90 degrees and swing over the target you will see most of the time that it breaks up and shows a broad response pattern in the lower iron range. I have dug plenty of deep targets with a PAG of 3 and a A.C of no more than 76. Set your Swing Speed to 1 and really slow down your coil movement. Remember you are using a 12 inch concentric coil.

That alone will put you down deeper in moderate to low mineralized soil. Give that program a try. It will run very quiet, but when you hit that deep coin it will sing like a Canary. Keep Swing'in Jack. Originally Posted by Detector If you're wanting to push your detectors depth to its limits, you will need to run it hot. That means you need to run it right on the edge of instability. With experience you learn to tell the good deep signals among the noise when running your detector hot.

Not all detectors can be adjusted to walk this line between stability and craziness, and some do it better than others. Its not that I want to walk the line of stability - I just want to get the depth that is advertised. From what I've read, the stock program are a safety net and there is room for improvement. Thanks for the additional details. Originally Posted by CyberSage It will run very quiet, but when you hit that deep coin it will sing like a Canary. Both of you mentioned the volume of the signals. I have a question on this too.

What is the purpose of the quieter tone if you still see the same VDI info as a louder tone? Shouldn't the machine just tell you there is something there - why make it harder to hear.

Thank you both! What you are referring to is called the Modulation setting.

In theory with this setting turned on the weaker signals will elicit a quieter tone, and conversely the stronger signals will have a louder tone. This in effect gives you a perception of depth or in some cases size of the target. I have tested this setting over many finds and could perceive no difference over good targets.