Character Builder Updates Download


D&D Character Builder D&D Compendium D&D Monster Builder Dragon & Dungeon. If you use the 64 bit Vista OS, please read these instructions before downloading. You can print them out for home game use and update them online.

Among my New Year 'resolutions' I have decided to run some 4e in 2018. I purchased a bunch of PDF from DMs Guild and I was able to re-activate my subscription to DDI. The online character builder is a drag to use nowadays due to Silverlight and I won't keep a subscription running forever. Therefore, I decided to look for CB Loader. It seems like the program is dead, but I was able to download it. 1.3.0, the wotc.index is dated July 25 2011 and TerFixes.index is dated February 4 2015. Are those the latest versions available?

Am I missing something? Is there some documentation available somewhere? I found links to a wiki, but it's gone. And the online tools are better.Not if you live most of the year in a country considered to have the world's worst internet.

Actually, they're not better. The offline Compendium is better and it's offline. The online Monster Builder limits you to 100 monsters; I'm at 1000+ custom stat blocks so that simply wouldn't work for me. Namoz ukishni urganish. The online Character Builder might be a little bit better, in theory, but I can customise my character sheets a lot more, thus making them much user-friendly in practice, using the offline version. I just switched our group to 4e, as they have never played it and were interested.

I’m looking into electronic solutions to make everyone’s life easier, especially mine. Can I ask what sort of tools you all are talking about?Here's a link to getting the online tools from WotC to work via a subscription and the thread is a place to note problems and issues as they come up. If for nothing else, it is worth it to get a month's subscription so you can then legally download *all* of the Dungeon/Dragon magazines for 4e's entire run. Also, here's a link to all the materials from Living Forgotten Realms. Year 3-5 are the best parts imo, but year 2 & 6 aren't bad. Year 1 has some issues due to massive overkill(and therefore some bad parts). Does someone out there have installation instructions and/or files?

Mine suddenly stopped working and I tried to reinstall it but now it still won't work. My friend did hers and it works for her. I have no idea what's gone wrong and I'd like to try again. Are there any verified files/methods around? (I've read to install it into my documents instead of program files, but hers defaulted to program files x86 and it worked for her anyway. Neither works for me:( )Check your virus checker. When this started happening on a friend's computer it turned out that hers was considering CBLoader to be a hacking tool and silently quarantining it because it wasn't the original exe file.

I've had that offline software for a while, now. In the last days, I've been fiddling with it because I am starting a new campaign. One day it was working fine, the next day it shows some error message (it says it found '=', while instead it was expecting ';'. Whatever that means) during the loading process. And then it does load up. But it's an older version, missing all the latest updates, themes, feats, etc.

The saved character files seem to be unchanged. It's just that all the newer content in them isn't recognized by the program. My players are going to want to build their new characters next week, and asked me to use the CB. Does anybody know how I can fix this problem? Many thanks in advance for any help you could give me.

EDIT: Problem solved. Uninstalling and reinstalling wasn't enough, but I found a guide online with all the steps required.

This is a post about how to get WotC Online Character Builder to work given Silverlight issues. I use Sea Monkey. — very stable, can type at speed on search, which Firefox 52 seems to have issues with handling.

Mozilla is the group handling it, so should be very trustworthy. Safari only works in older versions of MacOS, but works well for me when I go into Safari preferences, click on the Security tab, click on plug-in settings, and turn on Silverlight for WotC sites. And sometimes, it turns itself off on updates, so I have to go back in and turn it on again - I'll know that happened when the site says, 'Download Silverlight' Firefox 52 build is a viable alternate. It seems as if it might be depreciated too, so try to not upgrade your system.

This means you need to turn off automatic updates on Firefox 52 or it will upgrade to the one that breaks it. Here's the link - click on Firefox 52 and download Note that Character Builder sometimes 'breaks' and then starts working on its own after a day or so. Here is the quick link to request support: Anyway, post about your workarounds - this way any time someone is having issues with Online CB, I can just post the link to this thread rather than needing to explain it out. This happens every so once in a while for no apparent reason. It might be Server Maintenance. System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: [CrossDomainError] Arguments: Debugging resource strings are unavailable.